Find Out How To Keep Cats Cool In The Summer

Keep Your Cat Cool On Hot Days

Did you know that your cat can experience heatstroke during hot summer days? To prevent this, see how to keep cats cool in the summer.

Cats don’t sweat like humans, so they can’t cool their bodies that way. In order to prevent your cat from experiencing heat stroke when the temperatures are very high, you need to provide her with adequate cooling.

The first thing you need to do is to ensure that your cat always has fresh water to drink. Place the container with water in a shady area, so that it heats up as slowly as possible. Regardless of the fact that it is in such a place, try to change it with fresh water as often as possible. During the summer, do not give your cat dry food, let all her meals be wet. Wet meals for kitties are great!

How To Keep Cats Cool In The Summer

Another way to help your cat cool down is to place a damp towel where she likes to sleep. It will help her a lot to cool down her body. If your cat is indoors, provide a place where there is a fan or some device that cools the room. And if your cat still prefers to spend time in the yard, provide it with a place where there is enough shade.

Avoid playing with your cat during the hottest part of the day. Play with her either early in the morning or in the evening, when it’s not so hot anymore.

These are some of the tips to help your cat avoid heatstroke, and you can learn a lot more by reading how to keep cats cool in the summer. We hope you find these tips useful.

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